Monday, November 14, 2011

Oh for Joy

I have been bouncing around a thankfulness blog in my head for the past week or so. I've been allowing myself to slide into this "woe is me" mentality and I just don't like the thought pattern I've adopted as of late. It's entirely ridiculous and completely unfounded. I'm human, I stumble, I don't do things the way I should. I could stop there and use that excuse to justify my attitude, but as a child of the Creator of the Universe I can't really wallow in any sort of self-pity. It's sin. No other word for it.

Unhappiness is just too much work. Especially when there's no need for it. I feel like the spoiled little child on Christmas morning who is surrounded by every nice thing imaginable but throws a tantrum because there was one particular thing they didn't get.

Since I am so blessed beyond belief, not only do I want to recognize my blessings (today and everyday), but I want to share them. Whether it be sharing my money, resources, time, or just a kind word, this is what I want my life to reflect.

What I'm thankful for:
My Family:
Family can drive us crazy and make us want to pull out our hair sometimes. My family has made me feel this way more than I care to admit, but in all fairness I know I gave them more trouble than anyone should growing up. While all families (mine included) are messy, have broken relationships and hurtful pasts, I can say that I always knew that I was loved, and I was cared for. Families are a group of flawed individuals and with that comes baggage, but for the most part there were a lot of good times and I know they are always there for me. Some relationships are strained and have drifted apart (like with my dad) but still there is love there. I know that there are so many children and adults who have been abused and never felt loved so I know I can definitely be grateful for mine. I'll make my jokes about them but I love them very much. I'm grateful for my mom and my sisters.
My Church:
Northridge has been such a saving grace for me. In college I was wandering and searching for hope and a deeper sense of self-worth. Ultimately I was searching for Christ and for Him to fill me and give me a sense of purpose. It was here I found Him and so many wonderful friends that have come to be like my family. I realize it wasn't the building or the people by themselves that had any kind of power, but the Holy Spirit working through them that drew me in. I'm thankful that God was so patient with me. (and still is EVERY day).
My Friends:
I have some of the very best friends, who are all equally filled with awesome. The funny thing is that I've acquired most of the best ones within the last 4 years or so. I know for a fact God strategically placed me where I am so I could meet these people. They have been there for me even when I know I haven't been a good friend, and sometimes I know I'm not. They've been there for vacations, road trips, movie nights, talks, concerts, book talks, and so many other things. The best friends are the ones you can just "be" with and don't even have to do anything. I love them all very much.
My Job(s):
I'm fortunate enough to have not one but two jobs. One is a career, one where I'm actually using my degree (crazy, I know). It's been stressful for sure, but nothing beats doing something you love and getting paid for it. God has provided for me every step of the way where I not only can take care of me, but also bless others. I am thankful for work when so many people are out of work.
My apartment:
Villamar has been my favorite place I've lived since I've been on my own. It's quiet, spacious and cozy. Even with the special critter guests I've had lately still an awesome apartment.
My health:
I'm healthy. I have near perfect vision without correction, and all my other senses work fine. I am not in pain and can get around just fine. While I realize any of these things can be taken away, I am thankful for them now and hope I never take them for granted.

This list could go on for a long time but some other things I am thankful for are America's freedoms, clean water, more than enough to eat and wear, leisure time, the colors of fall, vacations, sunrises and sunsets, my car, and all things pumpkin.

I needed to write this and I want to focus on these things everyday so I don't keep becoming the brat I know I was not created to be. When I'm focusing on the blessings, I'm actually focusing on Christ.

I pray my eyes don't wander anyplace else.

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