Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: A year in review

Since the Mayans were wrong, I have the opportunity to look back on 2012 and everything that transpired in those 366 days (hooray leap year!).

This year I was able to see one of my favorite bands in concert, Needtobreathe. It was an excellent show with even more excellent friends. Hope 2013 holds another opportunity to see these guys.
I took this video near the end of the concert. They unplugged everything and didn't use microphones for this song. It was incredible.

Spring break I finally had the opportunity to go with my church to Show low, Arizona on a mission trip. We spent the week doing various jobs around the grounds of the school they have for the Apache children, as well as go on to the reservation and minister to the children in their neighborhoods. We took the "Blue bus" around the neighborhoods and when the children heard the loud horn they just came running out towards the bus.

The blue bus

We shared a brief Bible story with them, prayed with them, and the best part was when we simply played with them.

It was a wonderful week of being the Hands and Feet. I enjoyed spending time with the children, but another great aspect of this trip was the time spent with the mission team. We worked side by side together, prayed, laughed and cried together. There was no dissension or tension amongst the team the entire week, which is a miracle in itself considering we spent an entire week in close quarters. :-)

My favorite part of the week and probably the most powerful was when we went to the top of a hill overlooking the reservation, spent some time in worship, and then we all spread out to pray over the Apache nation.
View overlooking the reservation

In June I was able to spend another week at Woodland Christian Camp with the wonderful middle schoolers that come out every year. This year was special because I got to spend my 26th birthday with all the staff and campers. If you really want to hear "Happy Birthday" 1,000 times, go to camp on your birthday. :-) It was a really awesome week.
The awesome female camp staff

The summer also brought a whirlwind of trips and visiting family that kept me busy and my heart full. A few days after camp I drove 9 hours to visit my parents in Virginia. On this trip I also got to meet my new nephew Logan.
We visited museums, spent time on the beach, and relaxed.

I also spent some rare time in Florida with both of my sisters, whom I love very much. Now that we all live in different states, getting to spend time together, all three of us, is very difficult. We spent a few days in Orlando at Universal Studios hanging with my niece and nephew by the pool and enjoying everything Universal has to offer (like Harry Potter World!!!)

At the end of July I left Publix (again) and spent the entire month of August not working. It was a good month relaxing and getting ready to start the new school year.

September brought the birth of an amazingly cute baby- Avery Joseph. I love this baby. His mama is pretty awesome too. :-)

Visiting Avery at the hospital

In November I did something I've always wanted to do, but never thought I would: get a tattoo. I am so glad I finally decided to go through with it because I love it so much. You can read about why I chose to get what I did here.

2012 also brought the decision to start Grad school, and to move away from Milledgeville. Both were big decisions and I am confident that these are only the beginnings to bigger and better things that God has for me in 2013. It was a great year, and looking back on everything only reminds me how full my life is of friends, family, love and adventure.

Can't wait to see what 2013 has in store. :-D

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