Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The first blog ever! From me, anyways.

So basically I left my phone at home today and it somehow made me want to create a blog. I'm not really sure yet how those two things are related...maybe boredom? Actually, this blog has been created for quite some time, I just have never written anything until now.

Topic of the day: My job. ahem. Career.

In case you were wondering (and I know you were), what I do for a living, I teach special education. Still not entirely sure how I got here or what the heck I'm doing, but I am pretty sure that God has put me here for a purpose much bigger than myself and since He knows, well, everything, I'll just accept that and go with it because He knows what He's doing. I really do love special education, there is so much more to it than people realize, than I realized before I started in it myself.

I teach high school severe/profound students, which means they are in the lowest cognitive and adaptive functioning ranges. It is definitely not what I set out to do in this field, and this year was really my first exposure to this nature of disabilities, but it certainly has it's high points and low points. I can't deny that it is a learning experience. I truly feel like I'm learning on the job. I complain about my job way more than I should, because it's really not that bad. I should not complain at all, but express gratitude that I have a job at I'm working on the whole complaining thing. :-/

One thing I have learned about people and children from this job is that EVERY life is valuable. I have always thought this personally, but working here has reinforced this over and over. I'm not going to debate the topic of abortion. I am completely against it, and believe in the value of every single person and that if God didn't want someone to be born, he wouldn't have taken the time to create them..but anyways, I have students that are challenging and some that don't really "do" much, meaning they can't really interact like other children, see, or walk...but I have realized just how different and individual these children are. I have learned their personalities, what they like, what they don't like, how they do communicate, etc. The more I get to know my students, the less I see "student with disabilites" and the more I see a child. They are just a little different.

I guess the reason I chose to discuss my job was because it is where I spend most of my time both physically when I'm here, and mentally when I'm thinking or stressing about it elswhere. Also, and I probably shouldn't admit this, but I'm at work right now, and so my surroundings are kind of inspiring me...but I think I feel my inspiration ebbing...and I should probably do some real work. I am probably the worst procrastinator on the is quite debilitating actually. I'm waiting for some drug to come out with a cure...but then I would probably say I'd buy it and never would.......scatterbrained am I.

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